Cynthia Haas

Welcome to A Dose of Happiness!

I would like to introduce you to this website: the Home of The Angel Series by Cynthia Haas:

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Angel of Mercy: When a Loved One Has Alzheimer’s

Miranda Loyd is beautiful, intelligent, and compassionate. Her dream of becoming a mystery writer is put on hold as she pursues a relationship with a rugged Texan.  When she leaves the ranch and returns home to Canada she makes a shocking discovery. Her beloved father is struggling through the ravages of Alzheimer’s disease.

Miranda puts aside her own sorrow and anguish as she valiantly battles to do right by her father. Along the way, she finds courage, hope, and an unlikely romance with her own Angel of Mercy.

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Angels Among Us: Lupus Taming The Wolf 

Novels like this tend to allow us to remember that everyone has things to deal with in their lives.

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On Angels Wings

Is a fast paced fun book. This book proves to us how sometimes we all have a tendency to always think the worst. Of course that often leads to wonderful surprises!

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In the Arms of the Angels

This is about the sweet but often trying love that exists in families.  I hope you find that between the pages of this fourth novel.

I do hope you find these reviews from readers interesting, maybe even thought provoking!

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From Net Galley: Angel of Mercy: When a Loved One Has Alzheimer’s

After college graduation, Miranda visits a friend in Texas. At his request, she stays to help with his accounting. She believes she’s in love with Rick, but after two years, Rick’s distrust sends her packing. At the airport on her way home to Toronto she meets Mitch, an angel who rescues her from an airport snafu in reservations. Once she returns home, she finds out that her father was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s nearly a year ago. Once again, Mitch is there, her Angel, helping her to deal with the disease her father is battling.

This was a gentle, sweet love story— the love between father and daughter, and the sweet rush of new love with a man who is dependable, romantic, patient and drop-dead gorgeous. I am looking forward to reading the other three books in this series.

Sweet and Inspiring!

A sweet romance that tugs at your heartstrings. This is a feel good book that makes you smile even after you are finished. Although Angel of Mercy is the first book in the “Angel” trilogy, it truly is a stand-alone book as well. The respect and love shown regarding Alzheimer’s disease shows the true compassion that Ms. Haas must have personally. There were times I had to remind myself that this was a novel. The characters will stay with you, they seem so real.

From Delanne Noelle: Angels Among Us!

Thank you Ms. Haas for this very wonderful story. If you wanted to educate your readers on this dreadful disease, you succeeded. It was an eye-opening story as well as a very good book on its own. You did an excellent job and I look forward to the continuing story.

Angels Among Us:

The next book in the continuing story of Mitchell and Miranda, this episode takes off just after their wedding. After returning from their honeymoon, Mitch and Miranda are sleeping when the call comes in the middle of the night. When Miranda answers the phone, she knows it cannot be good news. Has something happened to her father? No, it is her mother-in-law who has had a stroke.

Getting a flight out is impossible, so they decide to drive from Toronto to Saskatchewan. They arrive to find out she has been released, so they hurry to the farm. Within a few days, Miranda’s pains and tiredness return in full force. The doctor at first tells her it is arthritis, but then the true diagnosis comes in: Lupus. This is the story of Miranda’s journey through the fear of death and despair of constant pain onto the struggle to fight back against giving  up. I was shocked by what I learned about Lupus when I read this story. I have a sister with this disease and still did not know half of what I learned in these short pages. My admiration for Angela, my sister-in-law, has grown tremendously. If you know of anyone with Lupus, I recommend that you read this story. At first you will be appalled by the difficulties a person with Lupus must go through, but Abbey and Miranda show you that you can go on when most would give up and await death as one does a dear friend. I cried with the scene with her grandmother, and laughed with Miranda, Gail and Abbey when she first meets Abbey. You will not put this book down once you start reading. It is definitely a keeper for your reading library. I look forward to the next installment offered by Cynthia Haas.

Her characters inspire the reader to be a better person and to trust that God has a purpose for everything. Follow along as Miranda finds hers.

 If you have any thoughts or would like more information just send me an email. I’d love to hear what you have to say. You can contact me at

Thanks and have a great day everyone!

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